Friday, June 26, 2009

The Shocking Bridge

Culture shock is leaving Lombard Street in San Francisco on the Golden Gate Bus and arriving in Corte Madera in Marin County where people tell you things instead of asking questions.

If you are knitting something, before you arrive at the Golden Gate bridge, there might be a question from the passenger in the seat next to you such as "What is it?"

Once you arrive in Marin County, someone will probably say, "Oh, it's pretty, I like it!" Or someone might say "I'm from here", if they say anything at all.

If you continue on the bus to San Rafael from Larkspur or Corte Madera, there is mostly silence.

It is enlightening when someone tells me something instead of asking questions. Most often, while travelling, one can anticipate the questions of other passengers.

Perhaps the reason people in San Francisco ask questions and in Marin County people tell you things is because of the bridge from one culture to another.

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