Thursday, May 21, 2009

Commentary Regarding Homeless In Marin County

While the current shelter system apparently provides services for the unhoused and unemployed, and considering the fact that funds for such services are often allocated to the County of Marin, the funds are often spent for overhead instead of providing housing and job training and/or employment.

Subsequently, the places and agencies receiving considerable funds and who claim to resolve social dilemmas while exacerbating the situations create a revolving door for homelessness.

Instead of being subjected to control, selfish interests and manipulation, the disenfranchised need a voice in their pathway to "normalcy" required by the management of the current shelter situation.

Since the church community has become involved in providing temporary housing for Marin County men and women, there has been improvement in the morale of the displaced persons, and there needs to be a continuation of respect and sincere interest in that regard.

The safety and health concerns for those who are at risk is considerable, and in addition to other suggestions in this proposal, there needs to be private study areas and a library as well as telephone and computer facilities for job seeking and also a recreational area for games such as card games and billiards.

Also, an issue that has not been previously addressed that exists in Marin County is the number of unemployed who loiter on the street corners creating a nuisance and illegally absorbing the resources that are intended for American citizens.

Perhaps there could be a re-evaluation of the funds for various causes instead of creating additional disbursement agencies.

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